Friday, July 11, 2008

ACA quizzes IGP and AG over Anwar's allegations

Can we believe that the question by ACA to them really based on facts?e.g. (i suspect this is the question - since both of the interviewies still holding their top post)

ACA officer: Tan Sri, err...err.... Tan sri nak minum air? air ape? pukul berapa bertolak tadi? jam tak? rokok? apa chance kita dlm kes anwar ni ye? kita nak habiskan ni pukul berapa ekk? apa kita nak buat lepas ni ye? kalau press tanya nanti, kita nak jawap apa aa? kuih nak? jom, kita pekena kopi kat kafeteria dulu ahh...

Possible or not? 

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